Friday, June 11, 2010

Not the best Target trip

So, I have said it before, but disorganization is the downfall of a coupon girl.  I thought that not having any inserts over memorial day weekend would help me catch up on my coupon organizing, but really it just gave me more time to procrastinate.  That combined with not planning my trip led to a sort of dud of a Target trip.   I felt like such a failure when I went to pay and the girl said "Do you have any coupons"?  And I said "...No."  She had noticed my coupon binder, which was sitting there, doing nothing.  So I didn't even take a full photo of my trip, because I didn't get any really fantastic deals.  I did the Buy 2 Tidy Cat Litters, get a $5.00 Gift Card, which I then rolled into my next transaction.  Still, I was feeling sort of down after my Target trip.   It's weird how couponing has changed my feelings about shopping.  There is this whole new element of success or failure, the high of the steal, or the low of the....Not.

I did, however, find some deals on clearance.  As reported, there really is tons of food on clearance, but I found that most of the markdowns weren't that impressive, or they were for items that I didn't have coupons for.  The wine clearance I reported on a few weeks ago seems to have been further reduced, and so I picked up a bottle of pinot grigio that was 50% off - and only $3.48!  I bought this kind a few weeks ago at around $4.50, and I thought it was pretty good wine - so that price is great.  I also grabbed a few cans of water chestnuts that were half off at .48 cents each.  I use these occasionally when I make Hungry Girl's Crazy Creamy Spinach Artichoke Dip (So good!), so I thought it would be good to stock up on these to have on  hand.

So, not the best Target trip ever - it sort of felt like a pre-couponing trip.  But I did notice that a few things have changed since I started couponing..  In the past, I would have walked right by the clearance, and probably not even noticed it was there.   Second, I probably would not have even been aware of gift card deals. And third, I would have never, ever rolled a gift card in two transactions.  I wouldn't have even known that was possible.  So, considering those factors, I would have to call this a success.


Super Coupon Lady said...

Wine 50% off ~ GREAT Target Trip! hehe!!
I'm now a follower of your site! I'm excited to see all your other great deals! Would love for you to check out my site and follow me (if you want)!

NW Girl said...

Thanks! I have checked out your blog before too! I'll definitely start following :)

bryandelizabeth said...

I think it sounds like a success! Great sales & future coupon!