I heart my Walgreens. There are several locations in my town, and lucky for me, the most conveniently located is also the most coupon friendly. The manager rang me up today, and he is super coupon friendly. I was going to try to do the B1G1 deal on the soft scrub but I wasn't sure if it would work. He did it with no hassles, had a nice conversation with me about couponing and how he orders the quantities for the things going on sale, and also had absolutely no problem ringing me in 2 transactions. Love, love love my Walgreens.
1st Transaction:
2 24oz Soft Scrub with Bleach (Reg Price $3.99 each, Wags Sale B1G1)
1 M&M's peanut butter (droool Sale Price $2.49)
1 Schick Hydro 5 Blade Razor (Sale Price $7.99)
Used Coupons:
$5.00 off Schick Hydro Razor (5/9 Smart Source)
B1G1 Soft Scrub PRINT Must sign up for soft scrub club (making them BOTH free!!)
Used $5.00 RR from Last Week's Nivea
Total oop: .48 cents
Got back $5 RR from Schick and .50 cent RR from M&M's!
2nd Transaction:
2 Skippy Peanut Butter (Reg Price 2 for $6.00)
1 EOS Shave Cream (Sale $2.99)
Used Coupons:
-$3.00 WAGS in ad coupon for Skippy (ad was 2 for $3.00)
.60 cents off wyb 2 Skippy PRINT
Used $5.00 RR from Schick
Total oop: .39 cents
Got Back $3.00 for EOS shave cream
Total Spent: .87 cents
Total RR's Used $10.00
Total RR's gained: $8.50
Total SAVED: $34.37!
Some notes about this purchase:
The B1G1 on the soft scrub worked for me, but I have heard that it does not work at some stores. It depends on your store and your cashier.
Some of the items I bought were just good deals on things that I needed - OK, I didn't NEED the M&M's...but I got a .50 cent RR for them! OK, I just wanted them, PB M&M's are my fav. But really, the only 2 RR deals I was excited about this week were the Schick Razor and the EOS. The other items producing RRs were things that I absolutely did not want or need. I decided to use the PB as a filler so that I could use my $5.00 RR from Nivea last week - my other RR's are Schick, so I couldn't use them. Also, I LOVE peanut butter, and I thought that was a really good deal.
Thanks to Fabulessly Frugal, The Krazy Coupon Lady, I heart Wags and of course Wild For Wags - your blogs all helped me put this together!
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